3 Self-Employment Ideas for Men in 2019: How to Get Started

self-employment ideas for men in 2019

According to recent federal statistics, 27 million Americans will leave their full-time jobs and become self-employed between 2017 and 2020. This will bring the number of self-employed workers to 42 million out of a total of 126 million workers in the United States. That’s 33% of everyone working in the country.

What’s driving people to leave their nine-to-fives and go into business for themselves? For many, it boils down to three main reasons: flexibility, freedom, and better income. People want more control over their own work and the ability to turn smart business decisions into more income than they’d otherwise receive with a fixed salary.

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Recession Proof Franchises: 4 Reasons to Buy a Cleaning, Repair & Restoration Franchise

Recession Proof Franchises

In 2008, the recession offered a painful, but important lesson for those looking to buy a franchise or start their own business: some industries are more recession-resilient than others.

While it’s impossible to say any industry is 100% recession proof, many industries continued to do well and even thrive during the economic slowdown.

The recession showed us something else, too: people turn to franchising in times where the economy is strained or could likely become strained. Why? People want more control of their future with a business that comes with proven systems and support.

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Handyman Training: How to Quickly Learn a Skill & Jump Into Business

Handyman Training

The steps to becoming a handyman can look different depending on the way you want to get trained and transition into a business.

Some people choose to attend a trade or vocational school. Others choose the faster (and often less expensive) option of franchising with a professional services company that offers both training and a viable business opportunity.

While it’s pretty easy to find schools and vocational programs for learning a skill or trade, there are not many resources that explain how franchising with the right service company can offer all the training you need, just faster and often cheaper.

This guide offers just that: a look into a simpler path that just about anyone can take––even with zero handyman or professional service experience. Not only will you learn in-demand skills, but also the systems, processes, and support you need to run and grow a business.

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Couples Working Together: Franchising With Your Spouse

Couples Working Together

About 1.2 million Americans run a business with their spouse according to a study from National Federation of Independent Businesses.

Obviously, spouses can and do make successful businesses partners. But if you and your significant other are thinking about becoming business partners yourselves, just about every successful business couple will tell you the same thing: it’s all about balance.

When you can strike this balance in your personal and professional relationship, you and your spouse can rightfully claim the ultimate title of power couple. But getting there takes diligence and some old-fashioned hard work.

As you might already know, there’s a lot of articles floating around warning couples against working together (usually written by those who haven’t made it work themselves). But our own franchise system and many other businesses prove these people wrong.

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How Does Franchising Actually Work? A Quick-Guide

How does franchising work?


Franchising has been one of the most important sectors of the global economy for decades, so it’s no wonder why so many Americans choose to go down that road in order to free themselves from the shackles of their nine-to-five job. According to the International Franchise Association’s 2018 report, strong economic fundamentals and a boost from the tax reform and favorable regulatory environment support above-trend expected growth in 2018.


via IFA’s Franchise Business Economic Outlook for 2018


Franchising is an enticing option for many potential entrepreneurs who want to own a business but don’t have the resources or know-how to start from scratch.


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